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California Driver's Permit, Drivers Education, Lessons, Tests

10. Sharing the Road

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9. Bike Lanes

The purpose of a bike lane is to provide a protected area for bicyclists so as to reduce the probability of accidents between motor vehicles and bicycles. A bicycle lane is marked by a solid white line along either side of the street that is at least 4 feet from curb. This line will usually be a broken ine near corners of intersections, but not always. The words BIKE LANE are painted in white on the pavement at various locations in this lane.

Bicyclists are required to use bicycle lanes, when they are present on a roadway. However, they may exit these lanes to pass, make turns, or avoid a collision.

Bicyclists should be especially alert at intersections. Most of the accidents involving bicyclists that occur at intersections are due to the motorist's failure to see and yield to cyclists. Be alert for motorists pulling out, crossing, turning left or turning right in front of you.

In the United States, a bicyclist is killed every six hours.

Bicyclists must obey all traffic signals and signs. Bicyclists may make left turns as either motorists or pedestrians do. To make a pedestrian left turn, the bicyclist should continue straight across the intersecting road, obey the traffic signals, turn left at the corner, and proceed as usual. Bicyclists may also dismount and walk in the crosswalks of the two intersecting roads.

Hand signals for turns are the same for bicyclists as for vehicles, except a right turn signal may be given by extending right arm straight out.

Bicyclists must use hand signals before they change lanes, turn, or stop. Bicyclists are permitted to signal a right-hand turn by extending their right arm horizontally or extending their left arm bent upward at the elbow. A left-hand turn is indicated by extending the left arm out horizontally. A stop is indicated by extending the left hand down.

Bicycles must stop before exiting driveways. Bicycle-vehicle accidents often happen when the bicyclist doesn't stop at the end of the driveway to look for cars or when they are crossing a driveway on a sidewalk and a vehicle pulls in front of them.

It is illegal to ride a bicycle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Bicyclists must submit to a test of the BAC level. Bicyclists can be fined up to $250.

When used at night, bicycles are required to have front and rear lights and reflectors.

People under 18 years of age are required to wear approved safety helmets whenever they are riding a bicycle on a street, bikeway, or other public path or trail.

You can be cited for exceeding the speed limit or riding faster than is safe for conditions on a bicycle.

Bicyclists must yield the right of way to emergency vehicles, pedestrians, and approaching vehicles.

It is illegal for a bicyclist to operate on the highway wearing more than one earphone attached to a radio tape player or other audio device.

Lesson Summary


Lesson 10 Quiz

You will now answer 5 questions to test what you learned during this lesson. You must answer all questions correctly to receive completion credit for this lesson. You may answer the questions as many times as necessary to get them right.

You should review the lesson material if you don't do well on the quiz.

  1. Pedestrians comprise about what ratio of traffic fatalities?


  2. If you fail to stop for a school bus with flashing red lights:


  3. An orange triangular sign on the back of a vehicle means:


  4. In the United States, a bicyclist is killed:


  5. The most common collision in a work zone is from:



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