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California Driver's Permit, Drivers Education, Lessons, Tests

10. Sharing the Road

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10. Driver Responsibilities to Bicyclists

Bicyclists are not out of place on the roadway - they are part of the normal traffic flow and share the road with other drivers.

It is up to bicyclists and motorists to treat each other with care and respect. Strict adherence to the law and common courtesy are the foundation for this respect.

Be careful when driving near bicycles. A bicycle rider could be seriously hurt in an accident. Always leave plenty of room between your vehicle and any bicycle. Watch carefully for bicycles before turning.

When driving near bicyclists, make sure to look for hand signals from the rider indicating that they are turning left, right, or are stopping.

Make sure to check your blind spots before turning or making lane changes. Bicycles and motorcycles are small and can easily be hidden in your blind spots.

Vehicles must not drive in a bike lane unless they are turning right at a corner or other entrance such as a driveway, or to exit such a corner or entrance. When making a right turn under these circumstances, you must enter the bike lane to start your turn, but no sooner than 200 feet from point at which you will make your turn . Watch for bicycles before entering the bicycle lane.

When parked with a bike lane along the left side of your car, you must be particularly cautious in opening a door on the left side of the car, and in general, always check for bicycles and motorcycles before opening a left side door.

Drivers of motorized bicycles (mopeds) should use bicycle lanes carefully to avoid accidents with bicycle riders.

You may park in a bike lane unless otherwise posted.

It is dangerous to rapidly overtake a bicycle. Driver must be careful when driving close to bicyclist. Allow a minimum of three feet of space between the side of your vehicle and the bicycle when passing. When you want to pass a vehicle or bicycle going in your direction, pass on the left.

Before passing a bicyclist in a narrow traffic lane, wait until the traffic is clear in the opposite lane and then change lanes to pass the bicyclist. Be patient when passing a bicyclist. Slow down and pass only when it is safe. Do not squeeze the bicyclist off the road. Avoid passing other vehicles, including motorcycles and bicycles on two-lane roads.

While making a right-hand turn, you should merge in behind a bicycle rather than cutting in ahead of the bicycle regardless of whether there is a bike lane.

When turning right, get close to the right edge of the road and watch for bicycles or motorcycles between you and the curb. Drivers should look carefully for bicyclists before turning right and merge safely toward the curb or into the bicycle lane.

Do not overtake a bicyclists just before making a right turn. Merge towards the right first, then turn. Do not make U-turns when a bicycle (or any vehicle) coming from the opposite direction is close enough to be a hazard.

Lesson Summary


Lesson 10 Quiz

You will now answer 5 questions to test what you learned during this lesson. You must answer all questions correctly to receive completion credit for this lesson. You may answer the questions as many times as necessary to get them right.

You should review the lesson material if you don't do well on the quiz.

  1. An orange triangular sign on the back of a vehicle means:


  2. In the United States, a bicyclist is killed:


  3. Pedestrians comprise about what ratio of traffic fatalities?


  4. If you fail to stop for a school bus with flashing red lights:


  5. The most common collision in a work zone is from:



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