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California Driver's Permit, Drivers Education, Lessons, Tests

6. California Licensing & Registration

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16. Licensing & Registration (cont.)

You must pay annual fees in order to keep your registration up to date and to receive annual registration cards and a year sticker for your license plate.

You will also have to provide evidence of financial responsibility and, periodically, a smog certificate (depending on the age of your vehicle). Your registration can be refused for a number of reasons, including not paying parking violations and other fees.

If you do not plan on operating, moving, or parking your vehicle because it is not working or for some other reason, you should apply for a certificate of nonoperation for your vehicle, instead of paying full renewal fees. However, you must pay additional fees, should you subsequently decide to use your vehicle on the road.

If you move and own a registered vehicle, you must notify the department of your new address within 10 days. You must also update your new address on your vehicle registration card using a pen.

If you put a new or different motor in your vehicle, you must inform the DMV within 10 days and pay a small fee.

If you sell or transfer a vehicle to someone else, you are responsible for notifying the DMV within 5 days of the sale using a Notice of Release of Liability form. You must also provide a current smog certificate to the buyer (in most cases) and the endorsed Certificate of Title.

If you purchase or obtain a vehicle from someone else, you are responsible for transferring ownership of the vehicle to your name with the DMV within 10 days of the purchase.

You must have insurance or otherwise comply with the regulations governing financial responsibility for your vehicle. There are minimum amounts of insurance that you must have. You must carry evidence of financial responsibility whenever you drive.

As the owner of a vehicle, you are responsible for damages in the event of an accident in which someone else is driving if they have your express or implied permission to drive the vehicle. The person signing a minor's license application is assuming liability for damages caused by the minor regardless of whose vehicle he or she is driving.

You must keep your vehicle in good working condition, which includes preventative maintenance. Failing to properly maintain your vehicle can result in breakdowns on the road, which may unnecessarily cause traffic congestion and accidents.

Stolen vehicles must be reported to law enforcement. In addition:

  • it is unlawful to knowingly falsely report a vehicle as stolen
  • law enforcement must be notified if a stolen vehicle is recovered
  • it is unlawful to alter a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  • it is unlawful to participate in chop-shop activities

Lesson Summary


Lesson 6 Quiz

You will now answer 5 questions to test what you learned during this lesson. You must answer all questions correctly to receive completion credit for this lesson. You may answer the questions as many times as necessary to get them right.

You should review the lesson material if you don't do well on the quiz.

  1. You will be listed as a "Negligent Operator" if you get:


  2. The best way to prepare for the drive test is to:


  3. Which of the following is NOT on the permit test:


  4. If you have trouble reading, even if in English, you may take an audio permit test:


  5. The "PROVISIONS" of your provisional license include the following, EXCEPT:



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